Maggie Herskowitz has written best-selling computer games, nationally-performed musicals, award-winning screenplays, and B- graduate school assignments. Learn more about select projects here, or e-mail me for a copy of my poorly-received essay "The Slice Heard 'Round the World: The Ethics of the Dissection of Charismatic Megafauna."
Monster prom
computer game - writer
Writing for this award-winning computer game series includes "Monster Prom (2018)," with over 500,000+ downloads, its DLC "Monster Prom: Second Term (2019)" and "Monster Camp (2020)," which raised over $600,000 on Kickstarter and "Monster Prom: Reverse" (TBD) as previewed at PAX.

rival peak
game/tv series - writer
"Rival Peak" ran 24hrs a day in five languages around the world for 12 weeks on Facebook, garnering over 100 million minutes watched by the end of the experimental run. Los Angeles Times:

rival speak
tv series - writer
Additional writing for the scripted live-action science fiction show "Rival Speak" starring Star Trek's Wil Wheaton. Maggie also guest-starred in an episode. It was awesome :)

loch lomond
musical - lyrics & libretto
Set during the Highlander uprising of 1745, the musical was featured by the National Alliance for Musical Theater (NAMT) in 2016 & 2018. NYC Workshops 2016 and 2024.

between gods & kings
musical - lyrics & libretto
A punk-rock adaptation of Euripides' The Bacchae. The immersive production unfolded every Thursday night at Bedlam Bar in the East Village during the Spring of 2019 as a site-specific piece. Interview: "Ancient Greek Tragedy with Punk Rock Twist" comes to the East Village"
[upcoming horror]
interactive movie - writer
The first interactive movie (AKA full-motion videogame/FMV) for the newly-created Sixty40 Studios, started by YouTube celebrities Jesse Cox and Dodger. Currently in pre-production, with more details to be announced as they're made public :)

witch of the wilderness (someday!)
game - writer
Feral Fairy, Inc. is a new game studio started by Maggie, to serve as a platform for women in games and to promote her agenda of inclusivity, environmentalism, body positivity, and imagination. Their first game, "Witch of the Wilderness," about a coven of witches fighting the climate apocalypse with magic, is currently in production.

princess ten ten and the dark skies
musical - lyrics & libretto
A children's musical based on the first book in the Guardian Princess Alliance series. Performed by University of California Riverside's Asian-American empowerment theatre company "Model Minority," later performed by Gluck Orchestra and given local tour. Featured on TV show "Kabbabayan Today" NBC article:

tabletop role-playing game - writer
MoonPunk by Wannabe Games is a ttrpg (think "Dungeons and Dragons" if you're unfamiliar), using a Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) system, about punks on the moon fighting fascism, a parable about direct action told through awesome space lore.

murray ghost/smile
short films - lyricist
The short musical film "Smile" from Phileon Productions featured three songs with lyrics by Herskowitz, while Hard G. Inc's "Murray Ghost" utilized a Herskowitz-written song for the end credits.